Elite Track & Field is our athletics department. Born from a merger between USA-Project and Elite Athletes Agency. Elite Track and Field has become the French powerhouse in coaching, university scholarships and athletes placement in the United States & NCAA.

Martin studied 4 years in Texas in NCAA Division 1 and is a former member of the French senior track and field team
“To understand each athlete’s project and guide them to the best American university according to their profile and ambitions.”
Martin CASSE
Director Track&Field
Track and Field in the United States
Track and Field in the United States
Why athletes thrive in the U.S.
Calendar of competitions

Cross Country


A typical day
6 a.m : Wake up
6:30 – 8:30 a.m : Training
8 – 9 a.m : Medical Treatments
9 – 10 a.m : Breakfast
10 – 12 a.m : Classes
12-1 p.m : Lunch break
1- 3 p.m : Classes
3 – 4:30 p.m : Weight training
4:30-6 p.m : Personal work / homework
6-8 pm : Free time/Dinner

How am I going to reconcile sport and higher education ?
In American universities, every effort is made to ensure that athletes succeed both academically and athletically. In fact, school schedules are arranged so that athletes can train every day with one day off during the week.
In addition, there are tutors, in charge of several athletes, there to help them in their daily work or in case of difficulties.

What is the NCAA ?
The NCAA (National Collegiate Athletic Association) is the main university sports federation in the United States. It governs collegiate athletics among the nation’s top universities and determines the eligibility of athletes to compete in the United States and therefore to receive a college athletic scholarship. The NCAA is also responsible for verifying that athletes have amateur status. The current NCAA registration fee is $150.
In addition, there are tutors, in charge of several athletes, there to help them in their daily work or in case of difficulties.

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